Thursday, 10 May 2007

Speaking on the telephone - the Phonetic Alphabet.

You may have difficulty pronouncing the spelling of your name, or understanding an important word spoken by the person you are calling. In these situations, it is a good idea to use the Phonetic Alphabet:

A = Alpha; B = Bravo; C = Charlie; D = Delta; E = Echo; F = Foxtrot; G = Golf; H = Hotel; I = India; J = Juliet; K = Kilo; L = Lima; M = Mike; N = November; O = Oscar; P = Papa; Q = Quebec; R = Romeo; S = Sierra; T = Tango; U = Uniform; V = Victor; W = Whisky; X = X Ray; Y = Yankee; Z = Zulu.

So if your name is David, you would say: “D for Delta; A for Alpha; V for Victor; I for India; D for Delta - David”. Keep this with you when you make a phone call, or better still please try to learn it!

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